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Realtor Website Must-Haves


I can't tell you how many times my Realtors tell me that they don't need a website because "no one will actually go to it." Having a website can be a HUGE value to your customers, but maybe not for the reason that you think...

Research has shown that people looking to buy or sell a house are more likely to use Zillow than their Realtor's website to search for property. I know we all hate the Z word, but it's just the truth. So why then would someone go to a Realtor's website?

-To read about the Realtor (see if they LIKE YOU)

-Make sure you're a real person

-Read Testimonials

-Read about local happenings

-See the benefit of working with you rather than another realtor

It is important that a Realtor's website, WITHIN 10 SECONDS, communicates who you are, what you do, and how working with you is different than working with any other realtor.

This brings us to our first website must-have.

  1. Powerful Brand Message

When thinking of your "brand," don't just think colors and logo- a brand IS SO MUCH MORE! The Story Brand (how we typically recommend framing your brand) is all about framing your customers as the "hero" of the story, and you as the "spirit guide." Think about these key questions when developing your brand:

- What problem am I helping my customers solve? Internal & External problems

- How does my customers' life look different after working with me?

- How do I separate myself from others that provide the same service?

2. Valuable Resources

If customers aren't going to your website to search for homes, you need to give them a reason to go to your website. Something that is GREAT for your SEO is to have a local "blog" or updates page that features local businesses, happenings, etc. This makes your website a resource even when your customer isn't actively looking to buy or sell a home. Also, adding new content adds to your SEO keywords! The more time spent on your website, the higher up on search engines you will appear.

3. Authentic/Relatable Content

If your website is your customers' first impression of you, you want them to be able to find a personal connection to you. Are you a dog person? Then maybe have a photo of you and your dog on the About Page. Be Authentic. Be YOU!

Want some website inspiration? Check out some of our recent website builds:

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